Importance of Valve lifters

In most internal combustion engines, the gas distribution mechanism contains parts that ensure the transfer of force from the camshaft to the valves-pushers. Let's find out more about it; What is a Valve lifter? Valve lifters are a part of the gas distribution mechanism of a piston internal combustion engine. A timing tracking device, that transmits the axial force from the camshaft to the valve directly or through auxiliary elements (rod, rocker arm). The gas distribution mechanism of any ICE is generally based on three main parts: the camshaft, which rotates synchronously (but with half the angular velocity) with the crankshaft, valves, and their drive. The actuator of the valve mechanism monitors the position of the camshaft. This occurs to ensure the transfer of force from it to the valves. Various parts can be in use as a drive: rods, rocker lockers arms with and without rods, and others. In most timing systems, additional parts are also in the use of pushers. Timing pusher...